Tax Withholding Estimator
Use your best estimates for the year ahead to determine how to complete Form W-4 so you don’t have too much or too little federal income tax withheld.
Use your best estimates for the year ahead to determine how to complete Form W-4 so you don’t have too much or too little federal income tax withheld.
With recent changes over the last couple years to Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), it’s vital for small businesses to understand what exactly this means and how it will affect them. Although these changes are ongoing and still fluid, knowing the details of PPACA are crucial in the determining the decisions of numerous small business owners.
A major function we provide small businesses with is direct deposit. Included as a part of our payroll services, direct deposit has become an essential tool companies use to get their employees their paychecks fast, paperless and accurately.
At Business Cents, signing up for direct deposit us means zero setup or processing fees along with accurate, on-time deposits. If your company isn’t enrolled in direct deposit yet, here are a few reasons you should make the change today.
Timekeeping/Attendance Click Here to View our Time & Attendance Page As the old saying goes, time is money. This is especially true for businesses. In […]
One of the most stifling obstacles for your business can be overcoming a disorganized workspace. Papers shuffled about your desk, file cabinets stocked with documents […]
Although switching over your payroll service might seem like a laborious task, we here at Business Cents have created a stress-free three-step process designed to give you […]
Part of running a successful business involves monitoring every facet of it with precision and accuracy. Accounting for every dollar gives you the control you […]
Are you a one-man shop or a small startup? An entrepreneur running a lean, mean efficient money making machine on your own without the help […]
Running the day-to-day operations of your business is challenging enough without having to worry about back office tasks. On the surface, executing your payroll in-house […]